Executive Image Consulting

Power-up performance with executive image consulting that aligns personal skills with professional style. Through one-on-one and team offerings, I coach leaders to authentically convey executive presence and step confidently into their new or next role.

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Helping your talent to showcase their best

Aligning executive presence with personal brand.

Your team’s presence should reflect their potential. While today’s post-pandemic work climate has prompted a more casual,  yet authentic self-expression, the nuance of hybrid work environments can leave leaders confused about what’s appropriate for different occasions. 

Whether working with your team in a group setting or 1:1 with a high-potential candidate, I’ll share the simple-yet-effective image tools to maximize personal presence and professional impact. Your employees will learn to thrive individually while making meaningful contributions within your organization.

I’ll help your employees: 

  • Be seen as the leaders they are while authentically representing themselves
  • Build a wardrobe with flexibility — so they can swap stress and decision fatigue for a more energized workday 
  • Cultivate an image that elicits assurance, gets noticed, and aligns with their goals
  • Distinguish what’s appropriate for their range of virtual and in-person work events
  • Walk away with high-impact, easy-to-integrate tips that can be implemented immediately

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